C3's Top 5 Must-Reads on Chain of Responsibility

Welcome to C3 Solutions' Top Must-Reads series - Volume 6.
This is the last of a 7 blogs series featuring C3's selection of of the top must-reads on various supply chain and logistics hot topics: Cloud Supply Chain Systems, The Internet of Things, Chain of Responsibility, Becoming a Shipper of Choice, Technology Reshaping the Modern Supply Chain, Yard Management & Dock Scheduling systems and best practices.
Our last Top Must-Reads (Volume 5) covered our most popular resources and blog posts on Dock Appointment Scheduling systems and best practices.
For this Top Must-Reads Volume 6, we have gathered our most popular resources and blog posts related to Chain of Responsibility in the Supply Chain.
Here's C3's Top 5 Must-Reads on Chain of Responsibility
1 - Understanding Chain of Responsibility in the Supply Chain - WHITE PAPER
Safety on the highways is a matter of great public concern. With increasing traffic congestion and the predominance of trucking as the main means of freight transportation in our consumer goods-oriented economy, it's no wonder that scrutiny of the trucking industry has gained in both scope and intensity.
This White Paper will provide you great insights on:
- The concept of Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
- How it has been implemented in other jurisdictions
- How it may affect your business
- What you need to do to ensure you are prepared and protected
2 - Have you Heard About 'Chain of Responsibility' in the Supply Chain?
Regulatory bodies, in looking to improve compliance of safety measures, have now implemented or are considering a method of assigning responsibility across all the actors in the supply chain. The potential legislation of Chain of Responsibility related laws risk to have a profound effect on all areas of the supply chain. While we can all agree that the public’s desire for increased road safety is a good thing, it will require changes throughout the supply chain— and that is why we’re talking about it.
3 - Chain of Responsibility: 4 Ways to Improve your Operations
As mentioned throughout Chain of Responsibility literature, all supply chain partners should now bear responsibilty for transportation safety. This concept risks to have a profound effect on all areas of the supply chain.Taking the time to consider what your business needs to make it the most responsible business partner it can be can pay dividends in efficiency and safety for all.
On a practical level, this article provides numerous ways operations can be improved to help prevent accidents.
4 - The Shipper's Role in Trucking Safety
If your company ships goods over the road by truck—whether on your own fleet on with a hired carrier—you bear responsibility for the safety of that move.
Increasing scrutiny of the trucking industry and its safety has resulted in significant regulatory changes over the past few years. The introduction of Hours of Service rules in North America, and the Chain of Responsibility legislation are just a couple examples of how this concern has translated into the regulatory environment.
5 - Driver Fatigue - Are you in the Chain of Responsibility?
In the demanding, high intensity 24-7 world of commercial trucking, there is significant pressure for drivers to ensure deliveries are made on time. As well, there is pressure to take on as many loads as possible to make higher wages. The result can all too often be a driver who tries to do it all without adequate rest. This pressure needs to be counteracted with understanding and policies across the Chain of Responsibility, all those with the ability to affect a driver's level of fatigue.