C3's Top 5 Must-Reads on Cloud Supply Chain Systems

Welcome to C3 Solutions' Top Must-Reads series - Volume 3.
This is the third of a 7 blogs series featuring C3's selection of of the top must-reads on various supply chain and logistics hot topics: Cloud Supply Chain Systems, The Internet of Things, Chain of Responsibility, Becoming a Shipper of Choice, Technology Reshaping the Modern Supply Chain, Yard Management & Dock Scheduling systems and best practices.
Our last Top Must-Reads (Volume 2) covered our most popular resources and blog posts on Yard Management Systems and Best Practices.
For this Top Must-Reads Volume 3 , we have gathered our most popular resources and blog posts related to Cloud Supply Chain Systems and their impacts on the modern supply chain and organizations.
Here's C3's Top 5 Must-Reads on Cloud Supply Chain Systems
1 - Cloud Supply Chain Management Systems - WHITE PAPER
Can you trust cloud-based supply chain management systems?This is a question you will need to answer when deciding to upgrade or adopt new software.
This whitepaper explores arguments in favour and against using SaaS supply chain systems with the goal of offering benchmarks related to:
- Cost
- Security
- Functionality & Features
- Vendor Selection
2 - Cloud vs Licensed Software: Factors to Consider in your Cost Analysis
Is your company shopping for a new information system? Once you’ve identified the features you need, you’ll also have to figure out whether to select a licensed, on-premise solution or go with the cloud and subscribe to a Software as a Service (SaaS) model.
There is no cut-and-dried way to determine the relative costs of licensed versus SaaS software. It's certainly not as simple as looking at the upfront cost of the license versus the subscription cost for the SaaS. Here are numerous angles from which to examine the question that will help you decide.
3 - Cloud Supply Chain Systems: 5 Benefits for your IT Department
Software as a Service (SaaS) is quickly becoming a more acceptable and feasible choice for companies seeking to update existing systems or acquire new ones.
In this article we're looking at how SaaS can drive efficiencies into your business by streamlining your IT department. This affects everything from personnel, to capital costs and operating budgets.
4 - To SaaS or Not to SaaS
To SaaS or not to SaaS? The question is more: what are your business needs? How can you answer them? We tend to be blinded by the trendy things but the essence of conducting business has not changed. We are moving away from some of the technical questions related to SaaS and looking into the business questions that SaaS can help answer.
5 - Insecure About SaaS Security?
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are quickly gaining in popularity across a wide spectrum of businesses. And as they gain in acceptance they also have to overcome the biases of those who believe that computing in the cloud can compromise security.
Cyber security is fast becoming one of the top concerns of corporations around the globe, and the risk is not one for which you can typically buy insurance.