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C3 Hive

By C3 Solutions

Where Real-Time Visibility Meets Powerful Yard and Dock Management

What is C3 Hive?

C3 Hive relays the most up-to-date delivery ETA information between drivers, carriers, and the facilities using C3’s products.

In addition, C3 Hive allows for real-time communication with drivers once they have arrived on-site, including driver self check-in and other important instructions related to their on-site tasks.

A Supercharged Experience

Combined with our Yard and Dock Scheduling systems C3 Hive, drivers can “check-in” to a distribution center in advance, notify the operation if they are unexpectedly delayed or request an earlier arrival time if they arrive ahead of their scheduled appointment.

The platform enables the operation to constantly remain in communication with drivers while they are on-site. This further reduces the need for human contact with drivers without comprimising real-time communication of their trailer loading/unloading status.

Self Check-in

Reduce administrative staff at the gatehouse thanks to self check-in.


Minimize contact between drivers and operational staff.

Shipper of Choice

Gain preferrential transportation rates by becoming a preferred destination by carriers.

Continuous Communication

Reduce administrative staff at the gatehouse thanks to drivers self check-in.


Improve visibility of incoming vehicles.

Maximum Activity

Increase throughput of warehouse activities by pro-activily moving up appointment times of early drivers when other drivers are delayed.
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C3 Hive is a Centralized Hub that Provides

For Shippers

An intelligent, automated and highly-configurable Dock Scheduling and Yard Management software that leverages real-time visibility. C3 Hive gives you the added control needed to improve your site's productivity and throughput.
Real-time communication with drivers before they arrive and upon arrival allow your operation to safely improve site velocity.

For Carriers

A unique portal to consolidate all of your C3 Reservations, reducing multiple logins and delivering a unified view of all appointments for smarter management.
Reduce the chance of your drivers being delayed on-site and increase your asset utilization.

For Drivers

An easy to use, driver friendly application that keeps you on the road by minimizing delays at each of your stops. Gain preferred status to your customer’s locations by performing pre check-ins for your appointments.
Once on-site, check-in with your mobile phone from the comfort of your truck.
Our Solutions

Connecting Everyone on a Single Platform

Mobile, Anywhere, Anytime


Carrier and Supplier Web Portal

Document Attachments

Rule Based Duration

Automated Notifications

Intuitive Scheduling Interface

Multilingual User Interface

Quality Assurance

Operational Reports

C3 Reservations

Award-Winning Cloud-Based Dock Scheduling. Working for you 24/7

Get Started

C3 Yard

Powerful Yard Management Optimization for your operations.

Get Started

R.O.I. Insights

Getting Results

Improve your operations immediately by automating tasks and eliminating wasted time.
At the gate
Remove up to 100% of gate labour by eliminating data-entry
At the dock
Improve by up to 15% throughout on doors through removal of dead time caused by idle dock crew.
at the site
Eliminate up to 25% of transport clerk tasks, removing the need for assigning drivers to routes.
at the site
Eliminate up to 100% driver detention fees by ensuring on-time or early slot and vehicle optimization.

Over 20 Years of Expertise • 1,200 Global Sites • 160,000 Active Users Worldwide

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