C3 made it a priority to provide employees with everything needed to create a comfortable and effective work environment (screens, chairs, webcams, adapters…).
Mental and physical health surveys were periodically dispatched to monitor how everyone was adapting to working from home.
C3 provided an optional service to have ergonomic designer visit each employee’s home office to consult with them on how to maximize their space for productivity and physical well-being.
C3 built “help kits” to aid in navigating new daily routines, inside and outside of work and the office.
Planning for C3’s next chapter kept employees and leadership excited about coming back and helped keep everyone motivated.
Hiring a design firm that not only understood the future of modern office spaces, but was also able to inject C3’s DNA and culture into the design was of the utmost importance.
A baseline schedule made sure all employees saw each other regulary, helping to keep our vibrant culture intact.
C3 assigned every employee one mandatory office day a week, and the rest is at their discretion.
C3 uses a work stations booking application to give employees visibility on who and when teammates are checking-in.
The last Thursday of every month is meant to be reserved for all employees to be at the office together.